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German and French ministers sing with islamist

Steinmeier“He met the right sound” [1] rejoices the German governmental youth-magazine on the “integration song„ interpreted by German minister of foreign affairs Steinmeier together with his French colleague Kouchner and the Turkish singer Muhabbet accompanied by some young musicians- a song to promote an open and tolerant Germany. Fair enough, but subsequently it occurred that of all people Muhabbet has some other views about cultural openness and tolerance than intended by Steinmeier.

It should have been a public relations action during the talks between Germany and France about integration issues. Quite awkward though, the german TV midnight-news „Tagesschau“ [2] presented the film-maker Esther Schapira (…), who had produced an award winning documentation about the murder of Theo van Gogh by an Islamist. She said in front of the TV-cameras, Muhabbet had come towards her and a colleague of hers after the award winning ceremony and told them van Gogh would have been “lucky, he died so fast”. Muhabbet explained he would have imprisoned and tortured him in the basement first and added: „Ayaan Hirsi Ali has earned death too.“

Here the video of Steinmeier and Kouchner singing with Muhabbet:

[youtube U19yBjRmEXE nolink]

Very embarrassing for foreign minister Steinmeier, who answered German TV-journalist Werner Sonne in an interview concerning the reproaches in his usual evasive manner [3]. However, Steinmeiers chances to become new German vice-chancellor after the resignation of Franz Müntefering [4] have probably not improved considering this maximum credible PR-accident…

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#1 Kommentar von Schweinsohr am 14. November 2007 00000011 17:52 119506276805Mi, 14 Nov 2007 17:52:48 +0200

Muhabbet is memeber of the facism gang „Grey Wolves“. On his MySpace side are lots of memebers of the „Grey Wolves“ between his friends:


#2 Kommentar von Schweinsohr am 14. November 2007 00000011 17:53 119506283605Mi, 14 Nov 2007 17:53:56 +0200


site, members

#3 Kommentar von keiner am 14. November 2007 00000011 18:40 119506563506Mi, 14 Nov 2007 18:40:35 +0200

Are we at „David’s Medienkritik“? Fine! 🙂

#4 Kommentar von Jutta am 14. November 2007 00000011 20:49 119507334408Mi, 14 Nov 2007 20:49:04 +0200

Herr Steinmeier, Sie sind mir schon lange suspekt (König Fahd Akademie Bonn)usw.
Sind Sie jetzt den Grauen Wölfen beigetreten?

Das gibt hier ja Bürgerkrieg (Kurden, so`n paar Bürger ohne Migrationshintergrund usw.)

Wollen Sie das nicht mal lieber dem Innenminister erklären, bevor Sie wieder gen Nahost verschwinden, mit Benita Geld verteilen, und vielleicht nie mehr wiederkommen?
Haben Sie sich schon ein durch West-Menschen und Emirates Grundstück im Sand gesichert?
„Der Islam kommt aus der Wüste und hinterlässt Wüste“
Der Eine beteiligt sich an Pipelines (Schröder), Herr Frank-Walter Steimeier, was glauben Sie haben die Saudis, wenn das Öl alle ist?
Nichts, und dafür haben Sie dann unsere aufgeklärte Kultur verhökert!